Artistic expression is fundamentally human, uniting us all as one of our earliest forms of communication - pre-dating formal writing and language by 30,000+ years! Yet it wasn’t until the 20th century that psychologists began to recognize the significance of integrating art into therapeutic practice to help people externalize, make sense of and resolve complex emotions and challenges. Today, newly emerging areas of scientific research such as NeuroArts (the study of how aesthetic experiences measurably change the body, brain, and behavior) continue to elevate art as an important science-based tool to advance our collective health and well-being.
Integrating art into coaching is uniquely impactful in that it supports a more holistic perspective and deeper awareness by embracing how our brain’s hemispheres experience the world differently by going beyond the typically dominant, verbal/analytical left brain to activate the non-verbal, global right brain. One of the most common misconceptions about this tool is that you must be skilled in art to participate. When using art as ‘visual language’, the focus is the process of creating vs. the end result. Through this creative process, we explore emotions, feelings, thoughts and behaviors to guide and support new insights that drive your desired transformation.
Sources: Art in Coaching: Coaching Beyond Words by Anna Sheather; NeuroArts: Your Brain on Art by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross
Studies have credited the creation of art with increased resilience, functional connectivity in the brain and enhanced focus of the right brain hemisphere (responsible for emotional intelligence, intuitive thinking and seeing the ‘big picture’). Scientific research has also demonstrated that art can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, improve mood and self-efficacy, and lower perceived burnout.
Coaching with art can be ideal for unlocking barriers to success (i.e. limiting beliefs, unhealthy behavior patterns, blind spots), innovative problem solving and supporting emotional and social intelligence. Additional benefits include heightened levels of mindfulness, creativity and confidence.
Sources: How Art Changes Your Brain: Differential Effects of Visual Art Production and Cognitive Art Evaluation on Functional Brain Connectivity; American Scientist: How Art Can Heal
The images below highlight how art can be used in coaching to support self-discovery and growth. Note: All art is original; no clients’ work has been used on this site for confidentiality.
“In the Moment’ Integration into 1:1 Coaching Sessions (only with full client understanding and consent)
Art-Focused Coaching Engagements (through a series of coaching sessions, a portfolio of images is developed over time for deep reflection and inquiry in support of specific personal or leadership goals)